
5 Easy Ways to Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle

It can be difficult to know where to start if you want to live an eco-friendly lifestyle. Not everyone can afford to suddenly make big and expensive changes, like switching to solar energy, electric vehicles or organic products. The good news is that you don’t have to put all your eggs in one basket when it comes to sustainability. There are small, simple changes you can make in your daily life that will significantly reduce your environmental footprint.

From household products to your hygiene routine to fashion and beyond, there are many things you can do to live green. Start with these five simple tips.

1. Throw away the Google search

Did you know that you can become more environmentally friendly by simply switching search browsers? All you’ve to do is use Ecosia. This free browser extension dedicates 100 percent of its profits to climate protection. At least 80 percent of the money goes to tree planting projects, focusing on native species where they’re needed most.

To date, more than 150 million trees have been planted in over 30 countries thanks to Ecosia users and their search ads. For example, Ecosia works with local organizations in Brazil to protect endangered plants and animals. The company is powered by solar energy, which generates twice the amount of energy needed for all user searches.

2. Eat less meat

As delicious as meat products may be, meat consumption has some of the worst effects on the environment. The Guardian reports that meat production leads to the following consequences:

  • Deforestation to make room for livestock;
  • High methane emissions from cows and fertilizers; and;
  • Pollution of landscapes.

While production is the biggest issue when it comes to meat, you can do your part by eating less meat. Try replacing meat with plant-based ingredients one day a week. This can reduce your carbon footprint and inspire you to come up with creative ideas for meatless meals.

3. Replace your showerhead

The amount of water you use in your daily life can significantly increase your ecological footprint. The Environmental Protection Agency reports that nearly 17 percent of residential water use is due to showering. For an average family, that’s nearly 40 gallons per day.

Not only can you do your best to cut down on shower time, but you can also switch to a more efficient showerhead.

WaterSense showerheads use no more than two gallons of water per minute. By switching to a showerhead with this label, an average family could save 2,700 liters of water per year. More than 260 billion liters of water could be saved if every household installed a WaterSense showerhead.

4. Switch to shampoo bars

Another shower habit you should break is buying shampoo bottles. Instead, try shampoo bars. These products are similar to body soaps and much better for the environment. For starters, they don’t contribute to the nine million tons of plastic that end up in the oceans every year.

Since most shampoo bars have no packaging (aside from some cardboard boxes), they’re a zero-waste product. They’re also made from natural ingredients and last two to three times longer than bottles, saving money in the long run.

5. Buy fewer clothes

Shopping for new clothes can be really fun, but the environmental impact of fast fashion is alarming. CNN reports that 80 percent of all clothing ends up in landfills or is incinerated. In addition, an estimated 551,000 tons of plastic microfibers from washing clothes pollute the oceans every year.

To reduce your environmental impact, start by buying fewer clothes and working with what you already have in your closet. You’ll be surprised at how many unused clothes you already own and have forgotten about. Here are some additional tips to try:

  • Shop secondhand and sustainable brands;
  • Purchase clothes you’ll wear at least 30 times;
  • Invest in staple pieces over trends;
  • Shop in person instead of online, and;
  • Unsubscribe from retail store emails.

You can find more tips for sustainable living online

There are many things you can do to reduce your impact on the environment. From using less water to eliminating plastic to replacing some household products, a sustainable lifestyle doesn’t have to be complicated.

Discover more simple ways to help the environment by searching the internet. You can learn about simple adjustments and habits that will reduce your overall environmental footprint. After some time, the new way of doing things will become your new norm.

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